The Use of Social Networking Platforms

5 Advantage of using social networks.

Education- social media has a lot of benefit. Through using social media we are able to learn all the things that we don’t know yet. Using social media has a big help because you can educate everyone or you are the one who learn from them.

Help- sometimes when we feel down or empty and we thought nobody can comfort us, we can also use the social media to share our problems and get some advices from our internet friends.

Awareness- Through the use of social media we will be more knowledgeable and aware of what is happening around us. We will become innovative.

Communication- People from anywhere can connect with anyone. Regardless of the location and religion. The beauty of social media is that we can communicate to our relatives within across countries or people around the world.

Easy access of Information- Through social media we are able to know  latest happenings around the world. With the help of social media you can get the facts and true information by doing some research.

5 Disadvantage of using social networks.

It can cause death- Sometimes social media causes death because of what others see, they imitate some stunts that they have viewed performed by some professionals and they tend to do it without proper practice. They think that they could do it so they follow what they just see.

Health Issues- if you get addicted to it you will get some health issue because you have no time to exercise, you will get lazy because of the thought that it will make your work easier and faster. You should limit yourself on utilizing the internet.

Reputation – Social media can easily ruin someone’s reputation just by creating a false story and spreading false issues.

Become Lazy- The addictive part of the social media is very bad and can disturb personal lives as well. Instead of doing household chores you will choose to browse the social media all day.

Cyberbullying- there are some instances that somebody would create a fake account and they will get your pictures to make funny stuffs and they will make fun of it. Cyberbullying is not a joke, sometimes it causes suicide to the victims. They will get trauma from what happened and start to exclude themselves from the society so their mind will fill out negative thoughts. So let us utilize the social media to its proper use because you can’t get back the life of every individuals who commit suicide by just one click.

5 precautionary measures when using social media.

Beware of what links you click and what software you download and install. Do not trust links/software sent by your friends implicitly as they themselves might not be aware it includes malware or their account might have been compromised

Make sure that your computer is up to date and installed good antivirus protection; because most of the time social networking sites are frequent targets of malware attacks.

Do not send confidential information through a social networking site even if someone who has legitimate access to that information asks you to. Because he might blackmail you and use it against you. He can use screenshots as a proof. So think before you click

Never use the same passwords use different passwords on each of your social networking site.
Use a strong passwords, the longer the password, the more secure it will be.

Do not log in your social network page/accounts from public computers because someone could get on to it and might have installed a key logger and could get access to your credentials. Always make sure that you log out after using the public computers.


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